What is Vitamin E

What is Vitamin E

On my health journey, I learned so many wonderful things about vitamins, herbs, and over all self care. I would like you all to be a part of my journey, and I will share what I have learned. I plan to advise what products we have at our store Vitamins Citi and share the benefits with you as well. I hope you come alongju on this journey with me. 
Today's topic is Vitamin E. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin with several forms, but alpha-tocopherol is the only one used by the human body. Its main role is to act as an antioxidant, scavenging loose electrons—so-called “free radicals”—that can damage cells.
This is the definition per HSPS.Harvard.edu . 
Vitamin E can be used as :
* Anti Inflammatory agent for skin
* It can stimulate hair growth
* Aid in weight loss
Did you know that Avacados, Mango, and Kiwis are packed with Vitamin E? I didn't know this, but it was very beneficial to know. One half of an avacado has a full dose of your daily intake. So if you do not like taking pills or liquids, you can always find alternate ways to ensure your body is getting the Vitamins needed.
There are always a downside to too much of something. Per Healthline.com : Excessive vitamin E intake can cause blood thinning and lead to fatal bleeding. It can likewise interfere with blood clotting, which is your body's natural defense against excessive bleeding after an injury.
So be mindful of your daily intake. But after a few weeks, you may start to see your skin "Glowing" , or even a few inches added to hair's length. If you have any skin conditions like eczema , Vitamin E may help those symptoms clear up. 
You should come and check out our lotions and oils or vitamin selection. We offer a variety of options in different forms. That is it for the day, I wonder what we should discuss tomorrow? 
Until then have a wonderful day. Come back tomorrow for more... 
Unapologetically Tina 
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